Yom Kippur

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Eliminating the Satan before Tekias Shofar Rabbi Gershon Ribner 1 min
Empowering the Yud Gimmel Middos by prefacing it with Kel Melech Yoshev Rabbi Gershon Ribner 9 min
Experiencing the elation of Rosh Hashana Rabbi Gershon Ribner 2 min
First and foremost during Aseres Yimei Teshuva Rabbi Gershon Ribner 6 min
Gaining fear of Divine Judgement through the Sefer of Yonah Rabbi Gershon Ribner 14 min
Hearing and the Sentencing in the Bais Din shel Maala Rabbi Gershon Ribner 3 min
How can one be privy to the particular mission he was sent for Rabbi Gershon Ribner 18 min
Placing the blame on the heart Rabbi Gershon Ribner 2 min
Teshuva is complete when one withstands the same temptation as when he sinned (part 1) Rabbi Gershon Ribner 10 min
Teshuva is complete when one withstands the same temptation as when he sinned (part 2) Rabbi Gershon Ribner 8 min
The awe in the Yomim Noraim is palpable Rabbi Gershon Ribner 9 min
The deepest yearning of the Tzaddik Rabbi Gershon Ribner 10 min
The depths of the evaluation of the Day of Judgement Rabbi Gershon Ribner 4 min
The opportunity and advantage of Teshuva in the Aseres Yimei Teshuva Rabbi Gershon Ribner 12 min
The pain of the downtrodden Rabbi Gershon Ribner 2 min
The senselessness of a non-jew blowing Shofar Rabbi Gershon Ribner 6 min
The supremacy of learning Torah over all other lofty religious pursuits Rabbi Gershon Ribner 9 min
Why we need Divine protection while reciting the Yud Gimmel Middos Harachamim Rabbi Gershon Ribner 3 min
10 - Viyduy Part I Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
10 - Viyduy Part II Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
12 - Kol Nidrei Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
Tefillah 6- Yom Kippur- Prayer Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 38 min
Teshuva- the Power of the Mind Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 34 min
Vidui Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min
Yom Kippur- the Will to Grow Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min