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ט״ו טבת תשפ״ה
/ Jan 15, ‘25
Sifrei Kodesh
Daf Yomi
Mishnah Yomi
Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Yoma
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0509- Yoma 45- The 3 + 1 fires of Yom Kippur
Length: 9 min
Rabbi Rhine's "Take Ten for Talmud" ten minute audio program based on Daf Hayomi.
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Yoma
0466- Yoma 2- Seven days before Yom Kippur and Parah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0467- Yoma 3- The Uniqueness of Shminie Atzeres
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0468- Yoma 4- Six Days at Har Sinai
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0469- Yoma 5- The Minor part of a Mitzvah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0470- Yoma 6- Why separate him from his house
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0471- Yoma 7- Who needs the oil miracle of Chanukah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0472- Yoma 8- Tzitz, Teffilin, and sprinkling 3 & 7
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0473- Yoma 9- Moral decay before the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0474- Yoma 10- Mezuzah on a 1 week Time Share
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0475- Yoma 11- Absolved of Mezuzah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0476- Yoma 12- The Second Kohein Gadol
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0477- Yoma 13- The Second Wife of the Kohein Gadol
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0478- Yoma 14- Seven Days of Preparation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0479- Yoma 15- Four Smaller Rooms in the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0480- Yoma 16- The Lower Eastern Wall for Parah Adumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0481- Yoma 17- Half to the Kohein Gadol
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0482- Yoma 18- The Ignorant Kohein Gadol and Wife for a Day
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0483- Yoma 19- Kohein Gadol Tzeduki
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0484- Yoma 20- A Special Night, Yom Kippur of the Kohein Gadol
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0485- Yoma 21- The 10 Miracles of the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0486- Yoma 22- Don't count, The sins of Dovid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0486- Yoma 22- Don't count, The sins of Dovid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0487- Yoma 23- To understand the critique on Shaul for forgiving
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0488- Yoma 24- Dressed to win the lottery
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0489- Yoma 25- Hats Off! for the lottery
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0490- Yoma 26- Can He Be Sandak a Second Time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0491- Yoma 27- What can be done by a non-Kohein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0492- Yoma 28- Mitzvos- Is Earlier Always Better
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0493- Yoma 29- Breaking barriers with sunlight, endearment, and prayer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0494- Yoma 30- The First Tevilah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0495- Yoma 31- The Size of a Mikvah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0496- Yoma 32- The 5x changing of clothing on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0497- Yoma 33- The Order of the Daily Avodah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0498- Yoma 34- Two ways to warm the mikvah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0499- Yoma 35- Hillel's dedication to Torah -
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0500- Yoma 36- The text of Viduy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0501- Yoma 37- The Doors of Nikanar
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0502- Yoma 38- Hashem runs His world- Helping you to do good
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0503- Yoma 39- The Wooden Lottery Box and Your Esrog
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0504- Yoma 40- If the lottery animal died...
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0505- Yoma 41- The Red Thread - The Second Viduy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0506- Yoma 42- Who does the shechita on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0507- Yoma 43- Getting ready for The Audience
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0508- Yoma 44- Ketores and Lashon Horah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0509- Yoma 45- The 3 + 1 fires of Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0510- Yoma 46- Extinguishing fire from the Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0511- Yoma 47- Switching hands - The hair of Kimchis
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0512- Yoma 48- Taking a Handful
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0513- Yoma 49- When the Shaliach Tzibbur can't continue
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0514- Yoma 50- Who owns the Korban
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0515- Yoma 51- The Curtain of the Second Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0516- Yoma 52- Entering the Kodesh Kodashim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0516- Yoma 53- The recessional- 3 steps after Shemoneh Esrei
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0517- Yoma 54- Shir Hashirim and the Kodesh Kadashim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0518- Yoma 55- The unique counting of 1 + 7
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0519- Yoma 55- Bireira- When must I choose
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0520- Yoma 57- When something goes wrong- Even in Sin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0521- Yoma 58- The Status of a Chatzitza with Same Type
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0522- Yoma 59- A new type of Meilah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0523- Yoma 60- Staying in order in the Yom Kippur Service
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0524- Yoma 61- The Units of Service on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0525- Yoma 62- At the Crossroads of Life- Choosing Wisely
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0526- Yoma 63- The Azazel and its mother
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0527- Yoma 64- When the raffle is redone, which animals are brought
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0528- Yoma 65- How long does the Azazel have to remain healthy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0529- Yoma 66- Viduy Azazel, and Send It Away
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0530- Yoma 67- Azazel- Permitted, Chok
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0531- Yoma 68- Waiting for the Azazel to reach its destination
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0532- Yoma 69- Shatnez and benefiting from the Bigdei Kehuna
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0533- Yoma 70- Grateful Celebration for the novice and veteran
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0534- Yoma 71- The Day After Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0535- Yoma 72- Positioning Your Esrog Upright
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0536- Yoma 73- The Laws of Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0537- Yoma 74- The Fasting Affliction of Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0538- Yoma 75- Hashem's Kindness - Even in Punishment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0539- Yoma 76- The Mon, A Daily Blessing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0540- Yoma 77- Daniel the Beloved
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0541- Yoma 78- Should children recite Kiddush on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0542- Yoma 79- Kizayis, Koseves, Kibeitza- Ill Person Eating on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0543- Yoma 80- Ill Person Drinking on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0544- Yoma 81- The Day Before Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0545- Yoma 82- Food for the Fetus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0546- Yoma 83- Doctor's Orders, contradicting the patient's claim that he can fast
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0547- Yoma 84- Outwitting Impropriety
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0548- Yoma 85- Saving a Life on Shabbos- The Power of Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0549- Yoma 86- Chilul Hashem
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0550- Yoma 87- My Teshuvah, Can I Embarrass You to Get it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0551- Yoma 88- No Tevilah on Yom Kippur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0471- Yoma 7- Who needs the oil miracle of Chanukah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0474- Yoma 10- Mezuzah on a 1 week Time Share
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0486- Yoma 22- Don't count, The sins of Dovid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0507- Yoma 43- Getting ready for The Audience
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0508- Yoma 44- Ketores and Lashon Horah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0510- Yoma 46- Extinguishing fire from the Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0511- Yoma 47- Switching hands - The hair of Kimchis
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0512- Yoma 48- Taking a Handful
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0513- Yoma 49- When the Shaliach Tzibbur can't continue
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0514- Yoma 50- Who owns the Korban
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Yoma 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yoma 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman