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ו׳ אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 6, ‘25
Shabbos Zachor
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Daf Yomi
Mishnah Yomi
Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Nazir
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1158Nazir44- Nazir Prohibitions, The Strength of Each- Haircut, Wine, and Tumah
Length: 6 min
Rabbi Rhine's "Take Ten for Talmud" ten minute audio program based on Daf Hayomi.
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Nazir
1117Nazir2- Meseches Nazir Begins; Why is it here
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1118Nazir3- The Beauty of Torah; The Beauty of You
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1119Nazir4- Nazir Shimshon- Shmuel and Avshalom
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1120Nazir5- The Story of Avshalom the Nazir
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1121Nazir6- Basic Nezirus is 30 days
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1122Nazir7- After you start it is easy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1123Nazir8- Like the number of hairs on his head
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1124Nazir9- A Nezirus on Figs
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1125Nazir10- What was the animal thinking
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1126Nazir11- The Drunkard's Dilemma- Reciprocity by Mishloach Manos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1127Nazir12- Ambiguous Gender
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1128Nazir13- Does interrupted Nezirus count
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1129Nazir14- Two vows of Nezirus being counted at once
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1130Nazir15- When there aren't 30 days left, he will have to redo some
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1131Nazir16- He wants to become a Nazir while he is in the cemetery
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1132Nazir17- Waited, but not like in the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1133Nazir18- When does a Nazir who became Tomey start counting anew
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1134Nazir19- Hilnie the Queen observes Nezirus for seven years, twice
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1135Nazir20- Linking to a another person's vow
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1136Nazir21- Toch Kidei Dibbur
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1137Nazir22- The sin of devotionalisim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1138Nazir23- She thought she was wrong
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1139Nazir24- Reward, even in sin- Story of Amon, Moav, and Rus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1140Nazir25- When the Nizirus is no longer here
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1140Nazir26- The rule of the Chatas-Olah combination
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1141Nazir27- The Korban Chatas that was inherited
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1142Nazir28- Until when can a husband negate wife's vow of Nezirus, can she wear a wig
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1143Nazir29- Education obligations on father and mother
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1144Nazir30- Can the son use the father's money
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1145Nazir31- Drank wine because he thought he was allowed to
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1146Nazir32- Conditional Nezirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1147Nazir33- Doubtful Nezirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1148Nazir34- A Portion of Food or Liquid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1149Nazir35- Rules to understand Torah 6th of 13- Klal Prat Klal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1151Nazir36- Does the permitted part join the prohibited part to complete the portion, Chanan
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1152Nazir37- Taste of the forbidden can forbid- Kal V'Chomer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1152Nazir38- Five Cases of Red Riviis- memory device
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1153Nazir39- The Unwanted Haircut - How does hair grow
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1154Nazir40- The shaving of a Nazir and Metzorah upon completion
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1155Nazir41- Metzorah razor teaches us about Peyos and shaving
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1156Nazir42- Brushing hair on Shabbos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1157Nazir43- May a Kohein enter a hospital
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1158Nazir44- Nazir Prohibitions, The Strength of Each- Haircut, Wine, and Tumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1159Nazir45- The Nazir Haircut
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1160Nazir46- One Korban is required before he can shave his hair
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1161Nazir47- Meis Mitzvah and a mitzvah that needs attention
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1163nazir48- Source that Nazir and Kohein Gadol should be Mitamey for Meis Mitzvah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1164Nazir49- Halachic status of amputated limb
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1165Nazir50- Standing out of character for the sake of Hashem
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1166Nazir51- Laws of corpse decomposition for Tumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1167Nazir52- Counting to 6 in Rabbi Akiva's retraction
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1168Nazir53- Bones of Tumah- half kav, quarter kav, and like a barley
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1169Nazir54- Tumah that does not require haircut or setback
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1170Nazir55- Flying tent and Tumah outside of Eretz Yisroel
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1171Nazir56- Limitations of Kal Vachomer by Riviis Dam
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1172Nazir57- Sofeik Tumah- Two is Company, Three is a Crowd
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1173Nazir58- Cross Gender Activity
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1174Nazir59- Korbanos of Tumah and Tahara
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1175Nazir60- Halachos of Mistakes- The Two Shavings of the Metzorah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1176Nazir61- Non-Jew does not have Nezirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1177Nazir62- The Slave that Vowed Nezirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1178Nazir63- Tumas HaTihom- The Unknown Corpse for Nazir and Pesach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1179Nazir64- Cemetery Configuration and the City of York, England
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1180Nazir65- The Second Emission of Zav
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1181Nazir66- Achieving Blessing Through Nizirus and Brachos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1117Nazir2- Meseches Nazir Begins; Why is it here
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1118Nazir3- The Beauty of Torah; The Beauty of You
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1119Nazir4- Nazir Shimshon- Shmuel and Avshalom
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1120Nazir5- The Story of Avshalom the Nazir
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1121Nazir6- Basic Nezirus is 30 days
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1122Nazir7- After you start it is easy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1123Nazir8- Like the number of hairs on his head
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1124Nazir9- A Nezirus on Figs
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1125Nazir10- What was the animal thinking
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1126Nazir11- The Drunkard's Dilemma- Reciprocity by Mishloach Manos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Nazir 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Nazir 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman