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ח׳ אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 8, ‘25
Shabbos Zachor
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Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Bechoros
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2472Bichoros23- Does a nursing cow prove a previous birth
Length: 12 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Bechoros
2451Bichoros2- The Mitzva of the first born donkey
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2452Bichoros3- What did Rav Mori do wrong by partnering to avoid Bichor status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2453Bichoros4- Kohanim and Leviyim are absolved of Pidyon Haben and Pidyon Peter Chamor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2454Bichoros5- Why couldn't the remaining 300 Leviyim redeem the remaining firstborn
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2455Bichoros6- Is Milk Kosher- How do you know
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2456Bichoros7- That which comes from a non- Kosher animal is generally non- Kosher- Why is honey Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2457Bichoros8- The clever Sage of the Jews, and the afterbirth of a mule
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2458Bichoros9- Not sure if it is the first born donkey- The redemption animal can be male or female
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2459Bichoros10- Peter Chamor- The lesson of loss to the person who doesn't give as required
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2460Bichoros11- Thanks for redeeming MY donkey
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2461Bichoros12- Only a lamb works to redeem, unless it has the value
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2462Bichoros13- If the redemption for the first born donkey isn't done
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2463Bichoros14- Firstborn of a Kosher animal applies to Kohein too, and even if it has a blemish
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2464Bichoros15- Once a Korban, still has restrictions
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2465Bichoros16- How far does the non-Jew collection impact the laws of Bichor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2466Bichoros17- Simultaneous Twins, Which is firstborn
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2467Bichoros18- Can you find the precise midpoint if you try
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2468Bichoros19- Firstborn after a C- section, or after miscarriage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2469Bichoros20- We accept a statistical majority, but this required an action- Age of Pora Aduma
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2470Bichoros21- Jewish seller said nothing about Bichor status- Rabbi Yochanan against Rav and Shmuel
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2471Bichoros22- The caked blood discharge counts as the animal's first born
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2472Bichoros23- Does a nursing cow prove a previous birth
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2473Bichoros24- Clearing the wool to do Shechita on Yom Tov- Why can't I brush my hair on Shabbos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2474Bichoros25- Wool that fell off the Bichor before Shechita- Origins of the word Chalon-Window
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2475Bichoros26- The firstborn animal, A gift the Kohein might wish to refuse
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2476Bichoros27- Leniences in Teruma Drabanan and Chalah in our time- Why not give it to a Kohein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2477Bichoros28- A blemish that changes, or could be changed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2478Bichoros29- Can he get paid for teaching Torah or examining a Bichor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2479Bichoros30- Psychology of a Fraud, He wouldn't invest too much for fear of confiscation-
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2480Bichoros31- Blemished Bichor can only be sold from the home- Saying in the name of the person who said it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2481Bichoros32- Who can eat from the Bichor animal after it gets a Mum-blemish
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2482Bichoros33- Bloodletting that caused a Mum-blemish in Bichor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2483Bichoros34- Planning a Mum- blemish, does sanction apply to child upon inheriting
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2484Bichoros35- The first Mum works, but you can't repeat that good fortune
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2485Bichoros36- A lighter type of testimony, that the Mum was not inflicted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2486Bichoros37- Refunding payment for non-Kosher food sold as Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2487Bichoros38- Ailments of the eye- Psak that has personal relevance
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2488Bichoros39- The Mum of the lip, and the story of Bar Kamtza
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2489Bichoros40- Examples of the thumb measure- Tzitzis, Beis Hamikdash building, animal's anatomy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2490Bichoros41- The Androgynous animal, does it have firstborn status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2491Bichoros42- Tumtum as a Sofeik, would the Torah be addressing that
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2492Bichoros43- When do the laws of Mumin apply by a Kohein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2493Bichoros44- The height of Moshe- The height of Og
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2494Bichoros45- Cases of deviation from the 248 limbs
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2495Bichoros46- Firstborn of inheritance and firstborn for redemption
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2496Bichoros47- Piru Urivu considerations for a man who converts
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2497Bichoros48- The Kohein is willing to refund the money, but to who
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2498Bichoros49- Not sure if the father paid, before or after 30 days- Whose obligation is Pidyon Habein, father or son
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2499Bichoros50- Chanan Bisha raises the bill to pay a full Zuz
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2500Bichoros51- Returning the money of Pidyon Habein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2501Bichoros52- Bichor gets double only in the father's estate
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2502Bichoros53- Maaser Biheima applies in our time, but is not to be observed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2503Bichoros54- How distant can these recently born animals be and still need Maaser
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2504Bichoros55- Bichor and Maaser are closely related
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2505Bichoros56- The inverse relationship of Kolbon and Maaser Biheima
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2506Bichoros57- Rosh Hashana for Maaser Biheima and the three tithing times
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2507Bichoros58- Maaser of animals is different than the tithe from grain
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2508Bichoros59- A count is needed for Maaser Biheima, but the tenth is automatically Kadosh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2509Bichoros60- It is possible for 9, 10, and 11 to be Kadosh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2510Bichoros61- Why are 9 and 11 Kadosh, and why are they different
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2451Bichoros2- The Mitzva of the first born donkey
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2452Bichoros3- What did Rav Mori do wrong by partnering to avoid Bichor status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2453Bichoros4- Kohanim and Leviyim are absolved of Pidyon Haben and Pidyon Peter Chamor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2454Bichoros5- Why couldn't the remaining 300 Leviyim redeem the remaining firstborn
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2455Bichoros6- Is Milk Kosher- How do you know
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2456Bichoros7- That which comes from a non- Kosher animal is generally non- Kosher- Why is honey Kosher
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2457Bichoros8- The clever Sage of the Jews, and the afterbirth of a mule
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2458Bichoros9- Not sure if it is the first born donkey- The redemption animal can be male or female
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2459Bichoros10- Peter Chamor- The lesson of loss to the person who doesn't give as required
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2460Bichoros11- Thanks for redeeming MY donkey
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Bechoros 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bechoros 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman