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Submission of Intellect, Kabalas HaTorah and Purim (27 Adar Rishon 5776) Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold 34 min
The Pesach Purim Shavuos Triangle(18 Adar 5778) Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold 31 min
Haftarah, Parshas Zachor, Shiur 1 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 19 min
Haftarah, Parshas Zachor, Shiur 2 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 20 min
Circumstances that disarm Amalek from cooling off the hot bath Rabbi Gershon Ribner 8 min
Circumstances that disarm Amalek from cooling off the hot bath Rabbi Gershon Ribner 8 min
Cosmic effect of Purim: Ensuring the existence of Yisrael among the nations Rabbi Gershon Ribner 27 min
Cosmic effect of Purim: Ensuring the existence of Yisrael among the nations Rabbi Gershon Ribner 27 min
Haman's deep desire for Klal Yisroel Rabbi Gershon Ribner 6 min
Haman's deep desire for Klal Yisroel Rabbi Gershon Ribner 6 min
Purim brought salvation for all except Esther Rabbi Gershon Ribner 9 min
Purim brought salvation for all except Esther Rabbi Gershon Ribner 9 min
Was Achashveirosh displeased with the unfavorable portrayal of him in the Megilla Rabbi Gershon Ribner 7 min
Was Achashveirosh displeased with the unfavorable portrayal of him in the Megilla Rabbi Gershon Ribner 7 min
What ministerial portfolio was Haman's jurisdiction? Rabbi Gershon Ribner 6 min
What ministerial portfolio was Haman's jurisdiction? Rabbi Gershon Ribner 6 min
01 - Megillas Esther - The Feast Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 4 min
01 - Thoughts on Purim - The Power of Prayer 1 Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
02 - Megillas Esther - Killing Vashti Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
02 - Thoughts on Purim - The Power of Prayer 2 Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
03 - Megillas Esther - Esther Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
03 - Thoughts on Purim - Beyond Our Control Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
04 - Megillas Esther - Bigsan and Seresh Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min
04 - Thoughts on Purim - Unity Through Mitzvos Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 6 min
05 - Megillas Esther - Haman Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 5 min