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ט׳ אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 9, ‘25
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Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Sotah
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1205Sotah25- Can husband forgive his objection
Length: 13 min
Rabbi Rhine's "Take Ten for Talmud" ten minute audio program based on Daf Hayomi.
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Sotah
1182Sotah2- Introduction and Shidduchim matched according to worthiness
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1183Sotah3- Perspectives from Sotah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1184Sotah4- How Long is Yichud
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1185Sotah5- The Illness of Haughtiness
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1186Sotah6- Did the Sotah Water Always Work
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1187Sotah7- The Sotah Journey to the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1188Sotah8- Not to do Mitzvos in Bundles- Sotah, Sheva Brachos, and Milah of Twins
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1189Sotah9- The Sotah's Fallout, Midah Kineged Midah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1190Sotah10- The Story of Yehudah and Tamar
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1191Sotah11- Egyptians try to outwit Hashem on Midah KIneged Midah; Yisro is impressed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1192Sotah12- The Story of Moshe's Birth
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1193Sotah13- Miriam's Prophecy and Serach's Affirmation of Redemption
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1194Sotah14- Animal Behavior- Hashem's Mercy on the Sotah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1195Sotah15- A new, but shopworn vessel, must be freshened up
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1196Sotah16- Mixture of Blood and Water; Hope for the Metzorah Addict
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1197Sotah17- In the Merit of Avraham- Rising above mortality and vulnerability
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1198Sotah18- Unusual forms of eating and Gel-Caps
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1199Sotah19- Sotah Process- Clarification, not death penalty
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1200Sotah20- The Sotah's Choice- Power of a Woman's Torah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1201Sotah21- Looks Like a Mitzvah, but it isn't
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1202Sotah22- Female Attractiveness and the Quality Called Tzniyus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1203Sotah23- Does merit protect her- Contrasting son and daughter of Kohein
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1204Sotah24- The Sotah Ultimatum- Does she get Kisuba if her husband dies
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1205Sotah25- Can husband forgive his objection
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1206Sotah26- Secluded with her father
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1207Sotah27- Sotah water checks her and him
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1208Sotah28- Cases of Doubtful Tumah- Underage Sotah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1209Sotah29- The loaf that became Tomey in the oven, it makes a level 3
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1210Sotah30- How did Oz Yoshir work
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1211Sotah31- Hope and Prayer- Beyond the Text, Kri and Kisiv Examples
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1212Sotah32- Perspectives on Silent Prayer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1213Sotah33- Direct Prayer Routing- Minyan, Sick Person, Heartfelt, and Tears
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1214Sotah34- Yehoshua, Kaleiv, and the Israeli Ministry of Tourism
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1215Sotah35- Mistake of the Spies- Torah is not just a song
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1216Sotah36- Yosef passes his test and learns 70 languages
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1217Sotah37- Splitting of the Sea, Ingredients for a Miracle
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1218Sotah38- Birchas Kohanim- Cremation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1219Sotah39- Precision in Birchas Kohanim and Multitask Listening
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1220Sotah40- The Humility of Rabbi Avahu
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1221Sotah41- Flattering Agripas the King
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1222Sotah42- Dovid, Golyas, and the Power of Shema
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1223Sotah43- The one year pass from going into battle- a comment on surrogate motherhood
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1224Sotah44- Dispensation from war, who and when
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1225Sotah45- Egla Arufa, What did the elders do wrong
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1226Sotah46- The Power and Mitzvah of Livaya, Accompaniment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1227Sotah47- Blessing of Grace- Spouse, Place, Lot in Life- Gentle Rebuke
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1228Sotah48- Hashem doesn't sleep, but our actions make it seem like He sleeps
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1229Sotah49- When the days of Moshiach are coming close
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1182Sotah2- Introduction and Shidduchim matched according to worthiness
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1183Sotah3- Perspectives from Sotah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1184Sotah4- How Long is Yichud
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1185Sotah5- The Illness of Haughtiness
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1186Sotah6- Did the Sotah Water Always Work
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1187Sotah7- The Sotah Journey to the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1188Sotah8- Not to do Mitzvos in Bundles- Sotah, Sheva Brachos, and Milah of Twins
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1189Sotah9- The Sotah's Fallout, Midah Kineged Midah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1190Sotah10- The Story of Yehudah and Tamar
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1191Sotah11- Egyptians try to outwit Hashem on Midah KIneged Midah; Yisro is impressed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Sotah 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Sotah 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman