In this new series of shiurim, Rabbi Triebitz learns through a book of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook entitled Ketzavim mi-Ktzav Yad Kodsho: vol. 2 Pinkas HaDapim 1
This is published notebooks of Rav Kooks that he probably never intended to publish or prepared for publication. However, they contain some profound (and extremely interesting) ideas.
In a general introduction, explaining the strong thematic links between Rav Kook and Ramchal, Rav Treibitz recommends learning the introduction to Orot HaKodesh written by the Nazir, Rav David Cohen, which describes his first meeting with Rav Kook and how he came to be a talmid of his.
Rabbi Triebitz begins reading the first section of the notebook, which discusses upper and lower lights of intellect. Rav Kook also mentions explicitly ideas of Spinoza and Kant, and discusses the development of philosophical ideas.
Rav Kook says that there is innate spiritual content to the mundane, physical world. This must first be rectified by the lower light before the upper light can penetrate. Otherwise it could cause more damage than good.