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כ׳ מרחשון תשפ״ה
/ Nov 21, ‘24
Chayei Sara
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Mishnah Yomi
Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Meilah
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2620Meilah20- When a messenger acts for you, who is in violation of Meilah- What is in the category
Length: 12 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Meilah
2602Meilah2- When does Meilah apply by a Korban of Kodesh Kodoshim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2603Meilah3- An invalid Zerika will not change the Meilah status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2604Meilah4- Planting a Sheila in the audience- After Zerikas Dam there is no Meilah on the meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2605Meilah5- Pigul will not lose Meilah status because of Zerikas Hadam, but other Korbanos will lose Meilah status at Zerika
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2606Meilah6- If the meat was taken out, can the Meilah status still change
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2607Meilah7- Zerika is the demarcation point in Kodshei Kodoshim and Kalim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2608Meilah8- The bird Chatas starts with Meilah but has no parts going to the Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2609Meilah9- Meilah by the Olah bird and animal, until the ash is removed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2610Meilah10- Five ineligible cases of Chatas regarding Meilah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2611Meilah11- Where does the libation wine go
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2612Meilah12- Meilah by non- Korban items like milk and eggs
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2613Meilah13- The spring on Hekdesh property- No tangible benefit as defined by the Code
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2614Meilah14- The nest in a tree of Hekdesh or Avodah Zora
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2615Meilah15- Joining items of similar prohibition- A mistake promptly corrected by the Talmudic process
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2616Meilah16- Are the prohibitions the same, and compatible or not
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2617Meilah17- Rabbi Shimon ben Yochoie cures the princess, and nullifies the decree against Shabbos, Milah, and Mikva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2618Meilah18- By Meilah, benefit is crucial, what about depreciation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2619Meilah19- At what point is it called Hanoh from Hekdesh and Meilah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2620Meilah20- When a messenger acts for you, who is in violation of Meilah- What is in the category
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2621Meilah21- A two Pirutah Esrog is not the same as a one Pirutah Esrog
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2602Meilah2- When does Meilah apply by a Korban of Kodesh Kodoshim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2603Meilah3- An invalid Zerika will not change the Meilah status
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2604Meilah4- Planting a Sheila in the audience- After Zerikas Dam there is no Meilah on the meat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2606Meilah6- If the meat was taken out, can the Meilah status still change
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2607Meilah7- Zerika is the demarcation point in Kodshei Kodoshim and Kalim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2608Meilah8- The bird Chatas starts with Meilah but has no parts going to the Mizbeiach
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2609Meilah9- Meilah by the Olah bird and animal, until the ash is removed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2610Meilah10- Five ineligible cases of Chatas regarding Meilah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2611Meilah11- Where does the libation wine go
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2612Meilah12- Meilah by non- Korban items like milk and eggs
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Meilah 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Meilah 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman