Sefer Ahavah

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Hilchos Krias Shema
Hilchos Tefila, Birchas Kohanim
Hilchos Teffilin, Meszuzah, Sefer Torah
Hilchos Tzitzis
Hilchos Brachos (Rambam)
Hilchos Milah
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Rambam #0084: Ch. 7: Hilchos Tefilin, Mezuza, and Sefer Torah Rabbi Berel Bell 30 min
Rambam #0085: Ch. 8: Hilchos Tefilin, Mezuza, and Sefer Torah Rabbi Berel Bell 14 min
Rambam #0086: Ch. 9: Hilchos Tefilin, Mezuza, and Sefer Torah Rabbi Berel Bell 23 min
Rambam #0087: Ch. 10: Hilchos Tefilin, Mezuza, and Sefer Torah Rabbi Berel Bell 23 min
Rambam #0088: Ch. 1: Hilchos Tzitzis Rabbi Berel Bell 31 min
Rambam #0089: Ch. 2: Hilchos Tzitzis Rabbi Berel Bell 21 min
Rambam #0090: Ch. 3: Hilchos Tzitzis Rabbi Berel Bell 18 min
Rambam #0091: Ch. 1: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 24 min
Rambam #0092: Ch. 2: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 21 min
Rambam #0093: Ch. 3: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 15 min
Rambam #0094: Ch. 4: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 20 min
Rambam #0095: Ch. 5: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 19 min
Rambam #0096: Ch. 6: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 25 min
Rambam #0097: Ch. 7: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 21 min
Rambam #0098: Ch. 8: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 22 min
Rambam #0099: Ch. 9: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 10 min
Rambam #0100: Ch. 10: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 25 min
Rambam #0101: Ch. 11: Hilchos Brachos Rabbi Berel Bell 24 min
Rambam #0102: Ch. 1: Hilchos Milah Rabbi Berel Bell 23 min
Rambam #0103: Ch. 2: Hilchos Milah Rabbi Berel Bell 12 min
Rambam #0104: Ch. 3: Hilchos Milah Rabbi Berel Bell 10 min
Rambam #0105: Tefillah: Order of prayers for the whole year...He shall reign over us, etc. Rabbi Berel Bell 18 min
Rambam #0106: Tefillah: Text of Blessings of the Amidah...Text of the in the middle Rabbi Berel Bell 29 min
Rambam #0107: Tefillah: And this is the text of all the middle blessings...The middle blessing...doesn't need to an Rabbi Berel Bell 22 min
Rambam #0108: Tefillah: The text of viddui...Text of blessing after a Meal...I will greatly rejoice in the L-rd Rabbi Berel Bell 24 min