The Rama discusses the issur (prohibition) of a husband and wife going on a tiyul (pleasure trip). The Aruch HaShulchan says that this refers to any walking together. However, many poskim says that the Rama is only discussing riding in a carriage, and therefore a walk together is fine, as long as the traveling has a external purpose. There is also an issur of the husband gazing at places on his wife's body that are normally covered, which includes hair. The poskim discuss issues such as whether the hair is normally covered at home. The next issue is kol isha (the wife's singing voice). Some poskim permit singing as long she is not specifically singing to him, while others are more machmir (stringent). The wife has to pour her husband wine or other drinks in a different way than she normally does. The husband is not allowed to be in the room, or at least only not to see, when the wife is putting or arranging the sheets of the bed. Is the wife allowed to turn on the water for her husband to take a bath or shower?