
Return To: Sefer Shemos

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The Power of Six; The Power of Limits (Parshas Shmos 5776) Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold 41 min
Chumash Shemos, Parshas Shemos Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 34 min
Haftarah, Parshas Shemos, Shiur 1 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 22 min
Haftarah, Parshas Shemos, Shiur 2 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 20 min
Parshas Bo The Joy Of Challenge Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum 23 min
Aaron- A Man Of Love & Peace Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 45 min
Intro to Shemos Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 36 min
Moshe Saved from the Nile Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 37 min
Moshe's Birth Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 34 min
Shemos - Ahron greets Moshe (also Rosh chodesh) Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 39 min
Shemos - Approaching the Burning Bush Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 36 min
Shemos - Moshe and Tziporah Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 27 min
Shemos - Moshe at the Bush Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min
Shemos - Moshe Flees to Midyan Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min
Shemos - Moshe's first encounter with paroh Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 38 min
Shemos - Moshe's Return Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 45 min
Shemos - Moshe's Sons Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 34 min
Shemos - Moshe's Youth Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 35 min
Shemos - The Turning Point Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 34 min
The Origins of Slavery Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 47 min
Parshas Shemos 5775 Rabbi Avraham Schorr 23 min
Chodesh Shevat and Shovavim Rabbi Avroham Schorr 39 min
Parshas Mishpatiam Rabbi Avroham Schorr 24 min
Haftorah Shemos Rabbi Shraga Senft 74 min
Aileh Shemot, Mispar, Kochavim- Shemot 5745 Rabbi Moshe Shapira 67 min