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Taryag Mitzvos
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Hilchos Lifnei Ivair
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Mitzvos 43- Karbonos 101 Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 52 min
Mitzvos 44 - yeast, honey, and salt (but not a challah recipe) Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 48 min
Mitzvos 45 - Accountability, Testimony, Sensitivity to the poor, and more Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min
Mitzvos 46- Terumas Hadeshen- humility before G-d Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 41 min
Mitzvos 47 - the eternal fire Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 36 min
Mitzvos 48 - the Kohen gadol's daily offering Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 34 min
Mitzvos 49 - What is Tumah and how does it affect me Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 58 min
Mitzvos 50- Tzaraas- touched by the hand of G-d Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 42 min
Mitzvos 51- The Purification of the Metzora Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 41 min
Mitzvos 52- the evils of Loshon Hara Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min
Mitzvos 53- Molech, superstition, and Divine Providence Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 43 min
Mitzvos 54- a farmers gifts to the poor Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 43 min
Mitzvos 55- lifnei iver- looking out for others Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 43 min
Mitzvos 56- the Art of Rebuke Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 47 min
Mitzvos 57- bearing grudges an Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 44 min
Mitzvos 58 - Love Your Neighbor Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 46 min
Mitzvos 59- Kilayim- Crossbree Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 42 min
Mitzvos 60 - Ox and Donkey a dangerous combo Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 38 min
Mitzvos 61- Shaatnez- understanding our mission in life Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 49 min
Mitzvos 62- Honoring Elders and Scholars Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 41 min
Mitzvos 63- Peyos, tattoos, and Thanksgiving Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 39 min
Mitzvos 64- Honesty and Integrity in Business Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 47 min
Mitzvos 65- Kohanim and Tumah Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 45 min
Mitzvos 66- Mother Cows, Mothe Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 37 min
Mitzvos 67- The Right Price, The Right Words Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 40 min