Sefer Shemos

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Pikudei (01) Moshe's Honesty Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Pikudei (02) Putting up the Mishkan - Travelling Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Shemos (01) Introduction to Sefer Shemos Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Shemos (02) The Famine Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Shemos (03) Mid-Wifes Shifra and Puah Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Shemos (04) The Slavery - Roles of Men and Women Reversed - Merit of the Women Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Shemos (05) The Birth of Moshe - Bas Pharaoh Converts to Judaism Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Shemos (06) Moshe Grows Up - The Oral Torah - Moshe Identifies with His People Rabbi Doniel Pransky 58 min
Shemos (07) Moshe Kills the Egyptian Aggressor - Tribal Affiliation Determined by the Father - Moshe Marries Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Shemos (08) Moshe The Halmark of a Leader - Intervenes in Injustices Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Shemos (09) G-d Heard Their Cries Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Shemos (10) Pesach - The Seder Night Rabbi Doniel Pransky 53 min
Shemos (11) The Burning Bush Part 1 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Shemos (12) The Burning Bush Part 2 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Shemos (13) The Burning Bush Part 3 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 40 min
Shemos (14) Moshe Negotiates with HaShem - The Names of G-d Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Shemos (15) The Geula Begins Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Shemos (16) Signs that Moshe is The Chosen Leader Part 1 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Shemos (17) Signs that Moshe is The Chosen Leader Part 2 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 53 min
Shemos (18) The Staff of Moshe - The Donkey Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Shemos (19) My Firstborn is Yisrael - What is the Significance of Behor Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Shemos (20) Moshe and Aharon Come to Pharaoh Part 1 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 44 min
Shemos (21) Moshe and Aharon Come to Pharaoh Part 2 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 45 min
Shemos (22) The Work Gets Harder Rabbi Doniel Pransky 31 min
Terumah (01) The Shulchan Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min