Sefer Vayikra

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Behar (03) Selling Land and Homes in Eretz Yisroel Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Behar (04) Hekdesh, Preventing Poverty, Not Lending with Interest Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Behar (05) Jewish and non-Jewish slaves (06-17-18) Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Behar (06) Jew sold to a non-Jew 07-08-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Emor (01) Laws of Kohanim 11-19-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 50 min
Emor (02) Kohain Gadol 11-26-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Emor (03) Tamai Kohain 12-03-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Emor (04) Kiddush Hashem and chillul Hashem 12-17-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Emor (05) Korban Haomer and Sefiras Haomer 01-14-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 54 min
Emor (06) Shavuos Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur 01-21-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Emor (07) Sukkos 01-28-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 53 min
Emor (08) The Mekalel (the one who blasphemed) 02-04-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Emor (09) Executing the Mekalel (the one who blasphemed) 03-18-18 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 47 min
Hashkafa (01) Emor - Kiddush Hashem and Chilul Hashem 05-19-24 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 41 min
Kedoshim (01) Naval Birshus haTorah - Fear of Parents - Gifts for the Poor - Eating of Karbanos 07-23-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min
Kedoshim (02) Lifnei Iveir 09-03-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 41 min
Kedoshim (03) Judging Favorably - Lashon Hara - Giving Tochacha 09-10-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Kedoshim (04) Shaatnez – wearing wool and linen - shifcha charufa – the half-free maidservant 09-17-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Kedoshim (05) Arlah – laws of fruit trees - Al Hadam –(on the blood) 10-22-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 53 min
Kedoshim (06) Corners of the Head and Beard 10-29-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Kedoshim (07) How to Treat Converts 11-05-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Kedoshim (08) Punishments for Improper Relationships 11-12-17 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 49 min
Metzora (01) Process of Rejoining the Camp Rabbi Doniel Pransky 50 min
Metzora (02) One who cannot afford the Karbanos Understanding the Process Rabbi Doniel Pransky 50 min
Metzora (03) Tzara'as on a House Rabbi Doniel Pransky 52 min