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י״א אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 11, ‘25
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Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Yevamos
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0835Yevamos42- Advocating for the nursing child
Length: 11 min
Rabbi Rhine's "Take Ten for Talmud" ten minute audio program based on Daf Hayomi.
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Yevamos
0795Yevomos2- Introduction to the Family
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0796Yevomos3- Co-Wives are grouped together
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0797Yevomos4- Asey Overrides, by Tzitzis, Milah, and Chodosh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0798Yevomos5- Wool, Linen, and Cotton Tzitzis
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0799Yevomos6- Flipping non-Kosher Burgers on Dad's orders
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0800Yevomos7- Sister in law becomes permitted for Yibum, Illustrative or an exception
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0801Yevamos8- The Co-Wife that is permitted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0802Yevamos9- The Rabbinic Insult
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0803Yevamos10- Status of Chalutza after Chalitza
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0804Yevamos11- remarried after a marriage and divorce, Now What
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0805Yevamos12- Contraception
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0806Yevamos13- Despite Pain, Don't destroy yourself or your essence
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0807Yevamos14- What is a Mamzer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0808Yevamos15- An attempt to make peace
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0809Yevamos16- Conflict Resolution
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0810Yevamos17- The Brother who was born later
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0811Yevamos18- What is Zikah for Yibum
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0812Yevamos19- What is Maamar for Yibum
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0813Yevamos20- In this case the sister is permitted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0814Yevamos21- Rabbinic, Secondary Arayos- Faulty scale is even worse
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0815Yevamos22- Laws of a Mamzer as a son and brother
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0816Yevamos23- Yevamos Quiz
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0817Yevamos24- Criteria for conversion, geirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0818Yevamos25- I know it happened; I participated
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0819Yevamos26- When can the witness marry the woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0820Yevamos27- Yibum Basics applied to two sisters
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0821Yevamos28- Underlying verses of Arayos pertaining to Yevamos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0822Yevamos29- 2x Chalitza, and a Get
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0823Yevamos30- Strict and Lenient Ramifications of a Ruling
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0824Yevamos31- The Fear of a Double Yibum
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0825Yevamos32- Can another prohibition be added to what is already prohibited
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0826Yevamos33- An illustrative case of one prohibition on another
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0827Yevamos34- Prohibitions structured to happen at once, Happy Birthday
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0828Yevamos35- Chalitza while she is pregnant
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0829Yevamos36- Marrying a pregnant woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0830Yevamos37- Who is the father
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0831Yevamos38- Yavamah no longer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0832Yevamos39- Symbolism of Chalitza, shoes
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0833Yevamos40- Sister of Chalutza vs Sister of Co-wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0834Yevamos41- 92 day Havchana and the pregnancy test
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0835Yevamos42- Advocating for the nursing child
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0836Yevamos43- But not less than once in 30 days...
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0837Yevamos44- 1 Yibum or 1 Chalitza
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0838Yevamos45- Ramifications of intermarriage, even for just one night
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0839Yevamos46- Wine touched and food cooked by a non-Jew
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0840Yevamos47- Halachic Conversion for Men and Women
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0841Yevamos48- Is Conversion Good or Bad
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0842Yevamos49- Showdown between Yeshaya and Menashe
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0843Yevamos50- A Second Get or Maamar
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0844Yevamos51- Second Maamar, Now how to proceed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0845Yevamos52- Will Kiddushin Work
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0846Yevamos53- Intimacy- How in is in, Chasan Considerations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0847Yevamos54- STOP, She just became a Niddah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0848Yevamos55- Shifcha Charufa, and other improper behavior
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0849Yevamos56- Can she eat Terumah, Biya Geruah of Yevama
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0850Yevamos57- Daughter of Converts, the Kohein restriction
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0851Yevamos58- Is she in, Rules of the Kohein Gadol's wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0852Yevamos59- Mukas Eitz, For a Kohein Gadol, Chassan Considerations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0853Yevamos60- Sister of a Kohein, for Mourning and for Tumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0854Yevamos61- Tumah above a grave, and Eliyahu Hanavie
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0855Yevamos62- To build in the evening, the story of Rabbi Akiva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0856Yevamos63- Shalom Bayis Persepectives
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0857Yevamos64- Waiting 10 years for children, Avraham and Yitzchak
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0858Yevamos65- Money isn't everything, The status ruling that withstands contest
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0859Yevamos66- Nichsei Melug, Tzon Barzel, and our Kesubah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0860Yevamos67- Status of almost Kohein (fetus) regarding wife and slaves eating Terumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0861Yevamos68- Can the daughter of a Kohein (or his wife) eat Terumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0862Yevamos69- Bonded against her will- The Kohein Gadol's grandmother can't eat Terumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0863Yevamos70- Terumah status for Kohein's household, tomey or castrated
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0864Yevamos71- The miracle at the moment of birth- born circumcised
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0865Yevamos72- Blessings and Prayers at Chatzos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0866Yevamos73- Bikurim and Maaser Sheini- Invest in yourself too
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0867Yevamos74- Teruma Timeyah- As fuel for Kohein or for animals in zoo
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0868Yevamos75- Can such a woman eat terumah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0869Yevamos76- Shlomo and the daughter of Paroh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0870Yevamos77- Lineage of Dovid, Naama and Rus from Amon and Moav
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0871Yevamos78- Conversion of a pregnant woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0872Yevamos79- The sour grudge against Shaul
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0873Yevamos80- The Elongated Pregnancy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0874Yevamos81- Androgynos and Terumah in our time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0875Yevamos82- Up to 19 buckets were removed from the still kosher mikvah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0876Yevamos83- The restriction of planting trees before Shemita
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0877Yevamos84- Prohibited to Husband and-or Living Brother
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0878Yevamos85- Mezonos and Kisubah payments in a forbidden relationship
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0879Yevamos86- The changing status of a married woman, Terumah and Maaser
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0880Yevamos87- The Agunah who received false news
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0881Yevamos88- Why do we need a Get from the second man- Returning wife after Kiddushin with another man
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0882Yevamos89- Status of husbands child after moral tragedy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0883Yevamos90- Horoas Shoah, Rabbinic Legislation in times of need
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0884Yevamos91- Precision in the Get, Divorce, Process
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0885Yevamos92- Information Correction on a married woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0886Yevamos93- Acquiring something that is not yet here
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0887Yevamos94- Married wife's sister after nisuin with wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0888Yevamos95- Wife's sister can't prohibit wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0889Yevamos96- The Prohibition of Wife's Sister
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0890Yevamos97- When the mentor lives on through the student
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0891Yevamos98- Relatives of the convert
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0892Yevamos99- Chalitza for mother, sister, and daughter
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0893Yevamos100- Questionable child, from Mr A or Mr B
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0894Yevamos101- Chalitza Basics
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0895Yevamos102- Limitations of Ger or son of Geirim to be a Dayan
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0896Yevamos103- Leg, Thigh, Yael and Sisra
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0897Yevamos104- Chalitza must be done during the day
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0898Yevamos105- The Power of Torah and Chesed, House of Eli and Moshiach's Times
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0899Yevamos106- Tricked to do Chalitza
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0900Yevamos107- Miyun, Rejection done by the underage girl
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0901Yevamos108- Case of Miyun asked to Rabbi Akiva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0902Yevamos109- Yibum on a Rabbinic Marriage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0903Yevamos110- No Assumptions; Can we make a recommendation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0904Yevamos111- She claims she needs Chalitza
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0905Yevamos112- The vow that didn't forbid her to the Yovom, or did it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0906Yevamos113- We need the husband's intent for the Get
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0907Yevamos114- Agunah Basics
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0908Yevamos115- Power of one witness by Agunah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0908Yevamos115- Power of one witness by Agunah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0909Yevamos116- The Agunah who once claimed she was divorced
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0910Yevamos117- Women that cannot testify
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0911Yevamos118- Can both rulings be correct
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0912Yevamos119- Sisters in Law can't say testimony for each other
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0913Yevamos120- Is he really the husband
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0914Yevamos121- Could he have lived- Hold onto the Daf
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0915Yevamos122- Practical Agunah Testimony- Torah Brings Peace
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0795Yevomos2- Introduction to the Family
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0796Yevomos3- Co-Wives are grouped together
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0797Yevomos4- Asey Overrides, by Tzitzis, Milah, and Chodosh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0798Yevomos5- Wool, Linen, and Cotton Tzitzis
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0799Yevomos6- Flipping non-Kosher Burgers on Dad's orders
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0800Yevomos7- Sister in law becomes permitted for Yibum, Illustrative or an exception
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0801Yevamos8- The Co-Wife that is permitted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0802Yevamos9- The Rabbinic Insult
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0803Yevamos10- Status of Chalutza after Chalitza
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0804Yevamos11- remarried after a marriage and divorce, Now What
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Yevamos 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Yevamos 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman