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י״ב אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 12, ‘25
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Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Avoda Zarah
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2014AvodahZora22- The original stipulation in the partnership of a Jew and non-Jew
Length: 9 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Avodah Zarah
1994AvodahZora2- Introduction- It was self serving and not a collaborative experience
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1995AvodahZora3- Did Jews Keep the Torah- Give us a chance, leaving the succah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1996AvodahZora4- Payment plan of retribution- This is your starting point for now- He wasn_t proficient in Novie verses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1997AvodahZora5- In the Shadow of the Generation of the Exodus- The Style of Aggada
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1998AvodahZora6- When does Lifnei Iver apply
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1999AvodahZora7- Where can I add my own, personal, prayer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2000AvodahZora8- Dovid yearns for prayer greater than the unicorn of first man
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2001AvodahZora9- Six Thousand Years of the World and The Chronology of Avraham
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2002AvodahZora10- Antoninus and Rebbi and 3 of their Riddles
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2003AvodahZora11- The Story of Unkelos- The Mezuzah and Its Message
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2004AvodahZora12- Maris Ayin by Avodah Zora- Thorn, Money, Water
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2005AvodahZora13- Benefitting in an Avodah Zora transaction
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2006AvodahZora14- The White Chicken and Kapparos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2007AvodahZora15- May one sell an animal to an idol worshiper in the time of the Talmud
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2008AvodahZora16- Restriction on selling weapons
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2009AvodahZora17- Anyone can do Teshuva, even Rabbi Elazar ben Durdaya
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2010AvodahZora18- Rabbi Chanina ben Tiradyon- G-d of Meir, answer me
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2011AvodahZora19- Study Torah even if don_t get it so well
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2012AvodahZora20- Praising the Idol Worshipper, Gazing at Women
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2013AvodahZora21- Sharecropper works for himself on Shabbos, but applies only if typical
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2014AvodahZora22- The original stipulation in the partnership of a Jew and non-Jew
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2015AvodahZora23- The idol worshipper differentiates between your animal and his
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2016AvodahZora24- Breeding a Porah Aduma
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2017AvodahZora25- Taking Protective Measures, sword, stick, and how far are you travelling- Difference between thieves, the praise of Eretz Yisroel
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2018AvodahZora26- Idol Worshipper, as midwife or wet nurse- The place of the head Teffilin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2019AvodahZora27- Who can be a Mohel
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2020AvodahZora28- Conducting himself with importance by the barber can save his life
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2021AvodahZora29- Kashrus Considerations by Wine, Vinegar, Meat, Fish, and Cheese
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2022AvodahZora30- Uncovered Liquids In Our Time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2023AvodahZora31- Medical Considerations of Jew and non-Jew
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2024AvodahZora32- The Avodah Zora Pilgrimage, A Difference Between Jew and Idol Worshipper
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2025AvodahZora33- An alternate kashering method for pots
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2026AvodahZora34- Fast of hours, 12 month kashering consideration- The expression Chas Vshalom
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2027AvodahZora35- Rabbinic Legislation, Milk, Bread, Oil, and Cooked Foods
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2028AvodahZora36- The Oil Legislation that was undone
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2029AvodahZora37- Rabbi Yehuda Nisiya, grandson of Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi, permitted the oil- Eventually Rav ate
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2030AvodahZora38- Two Conditions for Bishul Akum, Needs cooking and fit for the royal table
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2031AvodahZora39- Patterns in growth through association and influence
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2032AvodahZora40- The 70 year old medicinal apple wine
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2033AvodahZora41- The animals certainly took the body away
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2034AvodahZora42- What does a dragon look like
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2035AvodahZora43- Disposal of Avodah Zora in the Yam Hamelach, Dead Sea
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2036AvodahZora44- The Idol at Rabban Gamliel_s Bathhouse
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2037AvodahZora45- Contrast mountain and tree planted for fruit, with Asheira Tree
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2038AvodahZora46- Worshipped for Idols, Beis Hamikdash Standards- Stones from mountain, animal and its child, flour of wheat
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2039AvodahZora47- Does the mitzvah come back after it was pushed away
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2040AvodahZora48- The shade of a true Avodah Zora tree, Asheira
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2041AvodahZora49- When Avodah Zora benefit got mixed into others
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2042AvodahZora50- Markulis stones were used to pave the street
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2043AvodahZora51- At what point does the idol become forbidden
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2044AvodahZora52- Can defiled vessels be used in the Beis Hamikdash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2045AvodahZora53- How to nullify an idol
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2046AvodahZora54- Hashem created the world for free choice- Idol worship, theft, illicit relations, charity
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2047AvodahZora55- Idol worship foolishness- timing is everything and the Christopher Columbus moon legend
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2048AvodahZora56- The Winemaking Process
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2049AvodahZora57- When the wine was touched indirectly by an idol worshipper, without intent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2050AvodahZora58- What was the idol worshipper thinking
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2051AvodahZora59- A Mistaken Ruling Must be Corrected- Betzer isn_t Botzra
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2052AvodahZora60- Wine designated as collateral on a loan, one seal might not be enough
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2053AvodahZora61- The Yotzei Vnichnas Mashgiach Principle, window, video camera, date palm
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2054AvodahZora62- Disposal of the forbidden wheat, contrast idol worship with Chometz
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2055AvodahZora63- Mixed Motivations, hired to destroy or fix the bad situation- Fireman, Cat Mouse
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2056AvodahZora64- Ger Toshav- Can a person who does not believe in idols nullify them
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2057AvodahZora65- Do you have the thousand virgin thing in your religious system
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2058AvodahZora66- Scent Is Not the Same As Tasting
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2059AvodahZora67- Were the beans cold or hot
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2060AvodahZora68- Not all mice are distasteful
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2061AvodahZora69- Do you know when is the Mashgiach coming back
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2062AvodahZora70- The deterrent value that someone could be watching
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2063AvodahZora71- How Compelling Are They- Survival, Desire, Libations
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2065AvodahZora73- Nullifying Prohibited Wine, introducing concepts of A Bit, 60 Times, and One Sixth
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2066AvodahZora74- So prohibited, that they can_t be nullified
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2067AvodahZora75- Preparing food utensils for the kosher kitchen, kosherizing and immersing in mikva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2068AvodahZora76- Kosherizing the big pot
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1994AvodahZora2- Introduction- It was self serving and not a collaborative experience
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1995AvodahZora3- Did Jews Keep the Torah- Give us a chance, leaving the succah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1996AvodahZora4- Payment plan of retribution- This is your starting point for now- He wasn_t proficient in Novie verses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1997AvodahZora5- In the Shadow of the Generation of the Exodus- The Style of Aggada
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1998AvodahZora6- When does Lifnei Iver apply
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1999AvodahZora7- Where can I add my own, personal, prayer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2000AvodahZora8- Dovid yearns for prayer greater than the unicorn of first man
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2001AvodahZora9- Six Thousand Years of the World and The Chronology of Avraham
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2002AvodahZora10- Antoninus and Rebbi and 3 of their Riddles
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
2003AvodahZora11- The Story of Unkelos- The Mezuzah and Its Message
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Avoda Zara 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Avoda Zara 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman