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Pikudei 5771 The Basics of the Basics Rabbi Menashe Goldberger 41 min
Vayakhel Pekudei 5765 Yazma (the secret to success) Rabbi Menashe Goldberger 37 min
Vayakhel Pekudei 5770 A tour through the daily Siddur Rabbi Menashe Goldberger 48 min
Vayakhel Pekudei 5773 Building ourselves is parallel to building the Mishkan Rabbi Menashe Goldberger 44 min
Pekudei - "Bezalel the Son of Uri the Son of Hur from the tribe of Yehudah - and the completion of the Mishkan" Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Pekudei - Bracha and ayin horah (the evil eye); High profile - Low profile Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 60 min
Pekudei - Modesty and privacy Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Pekudei - Physical perfection and beauty Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 83 min
Pekudei - The "Mieal" (2nd Robe) of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) atoned for loshen harah (evil tongue). Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 58 min
Pekudei - The 48 attributes necessary for the acquisition of Torah (1st of a series): An explanation of the first 10 attributes. Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 62 min
Pekudei - The contribution of the heart Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 77 min
Pekudei - The good eye and the evil eye - a study on the powers of the human eye Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 73 min
Pekudei - The level of serving the A-mighty with love Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 72 min
Pekudei - The Mishkan (Sanctuary) and the Torah Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 56 min
Pekudei 1981 - Untitled (VPQ - very poor audio quality) (beginning of shiur cut off) Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 65 min
Vayakheil - "Go to the ant, lazy one - study her ways and become wise." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 89 min
Vayakheil-Pekudei - "Go unto the ant, lazy one, see her ways and become wise." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 82 min
Vayakheil-Pekudei - "Six days work shall be done." "Love work and hate lordship." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 64 min
Vayakheil-Pekudei - "Six days you shall work ..." The blessing and dignity of work. Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 62 min
Vayakheil-Pekudei - (2 of 2*)The Copper Altar (Mizbayach)-*see comment for other Part Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 64 min
Vayakheil-Pekudei-(3 of 6*) The mitzvahs which are directly or indirectly related to loshen horah (slander)-*see comment for next Part Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Pekudei - Maavir Sedra of Pesukim Rabbi Dovid Grossman 49 min
Pekudei 5776 - Birchas Moshe Va'Yihee No'am Rabbi Avi Haber 31 min
Pekudei Hakamas Hamishkan B'Shabbos 5774 Rabbi Avi Haber 46 min
Parshas Pekudei and the Mishkan Rabbi Dovid Katzenstein 43 min