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ב׳ ניסן תשפ״ה
/ Mar 31, ‘25
Sifrei Kodesh
Daf Yomi
Mishnah Yomi
Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Kesuvos
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0987Kesubos73- Second Chances at Kiddushin
Length: 13 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Kesubos
0916Kesubos2- Marriage Date of Wednesday in Talmudic Times
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0917Kesubos3- No Fault Responsibilities, marriage date and conditional Get
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0918Kesubos4- The Sheva Brachos amidst tragedy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0919Kesubos5- The Wedding Day of the Week, Blessings and 3 days of joy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0920Kesubos6- Dam Besulim, unlike any other
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0921Kesubos7- Sheva Brachos for previously wed man and woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0922Kesubos8- Sheva Brachos, 1 + 3 + 3
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0923Kesubos9- How much do we believe him
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0924Kesubos10- Is he believed regarding Kesubah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0925Kesubos11- The underage Geirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0926Kesubos12- What is her response
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0927Kesubos13- Even in wrongdoing there are levels
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0928Kesubos14- The father is for sure a Kohein; Who is the father
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0929Kesubos15- 50,50 vs. majority rules
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0930Kesubos16- Give her 200; Give him a receipt
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0931Kesubos17- How to praise the Kallah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0932Kesubos18- Partial admission, why and when is an oath required
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0933Kesubos19- Shtar Amana Trust- Claim of Borrower, Lender, Witnesses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0934Kesubos20- Writing it down to remember- Testimony and Torah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0935Kesubos21- Teach me your signature
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0936Kesubos22- Amasla, An Explanation- Marriage and Niddah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0937Kesubos23- Watch what you say, and how and when you say it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0938Kesubos24- It is written, as secondary information
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0939Kesubos25- Challah is Rabbinic, but not all Rabbinics are equal- A possible bakery solution
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0940Kesubos26- Captured, Violated, but still permitted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0941Kesubos27- Someone certainly wasn't in the hideaway
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0942Kesubos28- When I become a Bar Mitzvah I will testify
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0943Kesubos29- Ones and Mifateh, case of forced or seduced
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0944Kesubos30- Reward, Punishment, and Viduy Confession before surgery
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0945Kesubos31- Kom Lei, he gets the stricter punishment, if it is considered one unit
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0946Kesubos32- Exceptions to Kom Lei, the stricter punishment- Hitting and Eidim Zomimin witnesses
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0947Kesubos33- Which is worse, death or flogging
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0948Kesubos34- The After-effects of Shabbos Desecration
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0949Kesubos35- Rule of Ones and Mifateh by woman prohibited to him
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0950Kesubos36- Should we expect Dam Bisulim by an older girl
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0951Kesubos37- Egla Arufa- If the murderer is found later he is punished
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0952Kesubos38- Ones and Mifateh variation cases- divorced, died, in our time
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0953Kesubos39- Case of Ones, Additional payments that have to be made
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0954Kesubos40- Ones must marry her, but only if she is permitted to him
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0955Kesubos41- Modeh Bikinas, admission of a fine
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0956Kesubos42- Who gets the payments by Ones and Mifateh
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0957Kesubos43- Can the daughter keep her earnings even as she is supported
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0958Kesubos44- The case of the married Naarah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0959Kesubos45- Motzie Shem Rah, done when she is already a Bogeres
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0960Kesubos46- Rights and Responsibilities, The Father and the Husband
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0961Kesubos47- The Dissenting view- A father may use daughter's assets
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0962Kesubos48- Shirking Responsibility- Burial and Tuition
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0963Kesubos49- Supporting children until they are self sufficient
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0964Kesubos50- Maaser, Tithing income at 10percent- Source, Limitation, and Loopholes
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0965Kesubos51- The Condition of Addiction
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0966Kesubos52- Pidyon Shivuyim- Redeeming captives, wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0967Kesubos53- Sitting Quietly, What message are you sending
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0968Kesubos54- Daughter's Kesubah Rights to Sustenance
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0969Kesubos55- Estimation of Intent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0970-Kesubos56- Trying to diminish the Kesubah amount, without a receipt
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0971-Kesubos57- Preparing ornaments for the Chasuna
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0972Kesubos58- Food sharing concern
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0973Kesubos59- Even in wealth, productivity is essential- A Freedom Perspective
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0974Kesubos60- Mother's Milk and Licking Blood from a Wound
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0975Kesubos61- Harchakos- pouring, serving, and making the bed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0976Kesubos62- The son who became a Talmid Chochom in his father's absence
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0977Kesubos63- Rabbi Akiva, from rags to riches
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0978Kesubos64- Forbidden to use relations as leverage in marriage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0979Kesubos65- Damage payments to a married woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0980Kesubos66- Father wants to withdraw from his dowry committment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0981Kesubos67- Tzedaka, Special treatment for person of wealthy family
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0982Kesubos68- Tzedaka, Truly generous, and the fraudulent poor
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0983Kesubos69- Ilfa declares proficiency, an estate trust
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0984Kesubos70- Delicate Relationships, Vow of husband against wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0985Kesubos71- Delicate Relationships- Wife's vow that he did not annul
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0986Kesubos72- Mitzvah of a married woman to cover her hair
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0987Kesubos73- Second Chances at Kiddushin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0988Kesubos74- Distinction between vows and blemishes
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0989Kesubos75- Claim considerations of when a blemish occured
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0990Kesubos76- The proof of the donkey owner, and the father, to keep what they have
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0991Kesubos77- Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, the rainbow, and the angel of death
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0992Kesubos78- The woman who sold her property or caused it to flee
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0993Kesubos79- Looking for low expense, good profit, and rejuvenates
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0994Kesubos80- Can the husband do a futures deal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0995Kesubos81- Burial Expenses for Yivamah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0996Kesubos82- Rabbi Nossan's Debt Triangle
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0997Kesubos83- Prenup considerations and document wording
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0998Kesubos84- Who should I give the money to
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0999Kesubos85- The Court's Best Judgment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1000Kesubos86- Forgiving loan to the detriment of the buyer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1001Kesubos87- Damaged her Kesuba; Swearing on the Shinei Luchos Habris
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1002Kesubos88- It does apply to you- Pruzbul, Selling Chometz, Eruv Tavshilin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1003Kesubos89- Double Kesuba, How much does she collect
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1004Kesubos90- Kesubas Binin Dichrin, Collecting what their mother couldn't collect
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1005Kesubos91- Limitations on Kesubas Binin Dichrin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1006Kesubos92- Dubious Sales, and Sellers Responsibility
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1007Kesubos93- Not enough money to pay all- Kesuba, Debts, and Workers
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1008Kesubos94- The field that was double sold or gifted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1009Kesubos95- Circular Reasoning, You are right too
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1010Kesubos96- Shimush Talmid Chochom, Serving One's Rebbe- A Lost Art
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1011Kesubos97- Contingency Sales- Disclosure, Conditional, Obvious
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1012Kesubos98- Owner or Agent- Who gets the benefit
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1013Kesubos99- When the court errs in evaluation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1014Kesubos100- Evaluating a Field or a Person's Attitude
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1015Kesubos101- The girl has rights of her own
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1016Kesubos102- Can I now take Uncle Kohein for Pidyon Haben
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1017Kesubos103- Rebbi Appoints Successors
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1018Kesubos104- The Story of Rebbi's Passing
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1019Kesubos105- The Prohibition of Bribery, solutions of how to pay judges
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1020Kesubos106- Preferential Treatment in Court
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1021Kesubos107- Beis Din intervention to support wife
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1022Kesubos108- The generous donor who wants to get paid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1023Kesubos109- Dowry Stalemate and Hachnosas Kallah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1024Kesubos110- Double Valued Money
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1025Kesubos111- The Art of Golus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1026Kesubos112- Natural Passion and Excitement for Eretz Yisroel
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0916Kesubos2- Marriage Date of Wednesday in Talmudic Times
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0917Kesubos3- No Fault Responsibilities, marriage date and conditional Get
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0918Kesubos4- The Sheva Brachos amidst tragedy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0919Kesubos5- The Wedding Day of the Week, Blessings and 3 days of joy
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0920Kesubos6- Dam Besulim, unlike any other
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0921Kesubos7- Sheva Brachos for previously wed man and woman
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0923Kesubos9- How much do we believe him
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0924Kesubos10- Is he believed regarding Kesubah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0925Kesubos11- The underage Geirus
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
0926Kesubos12- What is her response
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Kesuvos 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Kesuvos 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman