Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Vayelech (01) End of Moshe's life - Mitzvah of Hakhel 11-26-23 Vayelech 56 min
Vayelech (02) What the Jews will do after Moshe's death - Techiyas Hameisim 12-10-23 Vayelech 43 min
Vayelech (03) How Yehushua should lead 12-24-23 Vayelech 35 min
Haazinu (01) The fourth song 01-07-24 Haazinu 32 min
Haazinu (02) The past and the future; living with wealth 01-28-24 Haazinu 49 min
Haazinu (03) the ultimate goal of history 02-04-24 Haazinu 48 min
Haazinu (04) Moshe Rabbainu's final day 02-11-24 Haazinu 40 min
Vezos HaBracha (01) Yosef, Zevulun, Yissachar, Gad, Dan, Naftali, Asher 02-25-24 Vezos HaBracha 56 min
Vezos HaBracha (02) Moshe's death 03-17-24 Vezos HaBracha 38 min
Vezos HaBracha (03) Siyum HaTorah 05-05-24 Vezos HaBracha 31 min
Yehoshua (01) 05-08-24 Introduction - Qualities of leadership Sefer Yehoshua 43 min
Yehoshua (02) 05-15-24 Second Introduction - Eved and Misharais, Semicha, last eight pesukim of the Torah Sefer Yehoshua 46 min
Yehoshua (03) 05-22-24 Perek 1 Pasuk 1 - Transitional Figures, Niskatnu Hadoros Sefer Yehoshua 43 min
Yehoshua (04) 05-29-24 Perek 1 Pesukim 2-9 - Which land is Eretz Yisroel, Chazak Ve'ematz Sefer Yehoshua 41 min
Yehoshua (05) 06-19-24 Perek 1 Pesukim 2-9 - The use of the word Hazeh - Torah Day and Night Sefer Yehoshua 43 min
Yehoshua (06) 06-26-24 Perek 1 Pesukim 10-18 - The date of Moshe's death - Conversation with Reuven and Gad Sefer Yehoshua 44 min
Tanach (09) Shoftim - Judges Sefer Shoftim 71 min
Shmuel (01) Chapter 1 Overview; aliya liregel; Penina's plan Sefer Shmuel Alef 60 min
Shmuel (02) Chapter 1 Elkana's words to Chana; Chana's teffila Sefer Shmuel Alef 56 min
Shmuel (03) Chapter 1 Silent davening; Drinking in the Mishkan; Eli's bracha Sefer Shmuel Alef 43 min
Shmuel (04) Chapter 1 Chana's decision; Shmuel's ruling before Eli Sefer Shmuel Alef 48 min
Shmuel (05) Chapter 2 Chana's Song Sefer Shmuel Alef 56 min
Shmuel (06) Chapter 2 Sin of the Bnei Eli Sefer Shmuel Alef 56 min
Shmuel (07) Chapter 2 Explaining the Sins Sefer Shmuel Alef 47 min
Shmuel (08) Chapter 2 The Kohanim - Punishment for Generations Sefer Shmuel Alef 51 min