Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Hashkafa (17) Vayeira - The Tzadik Being Punished Along with the Rasha 11-17-24 Machshava 46 min
Hashkafa (18) Celebrations and Observances of the Culture Around U.S. 11-24-24 Machshava 48 min
Hashkafa (19) Toldos - The Origins of Anti-Semitism 12-01-24 Machshava 40 min
Hashkafa (20) Vayeitzei - Avos and Bonim 12-08-24 Machshava 35 min
Hashkafa (21) Vayigash - Yosef setting up the brothers and the din after 120 years 01-05-25.mp3 Machshava 39 min
Hashkafa (22) Shemos - Hashem's Names 01-12-25 Machshava 45 min
Hashkafa (23) Va'eira - The Reason for Miracless 01-19-25 Machshava 43 min
Hashkafa (24) Va'eira and Bo - 4 Leshonos of Geula, Definition of Geula, 4 Sons 01-26-25 Machshava 42 min
Hashkafa (25) Beshalach - The Mann 02-09-25 Machshava 36 min
Hashkafa (26) Shkalim - The Four Parshiyos and the Karbanos 02-23-25 Machshava 37 min
Hashkafa (27) Adar - Mishenichnas Adar Marbin Bisimcha 03-02-25 Machshava 40 min
Hashkafa (28) Pesach - Machlokes and Shalom 03-16-25 Machshava 39 min
Hurricane Irma - Why 09-10-17 Emunah 45 min
Coronavirus Chevlei Moshiach - The Birth Pangs of Moshiach 03-19-20 Chizuk 52 min
Amos (10) Chapter 9 Hashems will and peoples choices - Coming of Mashiach 06-26-19 Moshiach 48 min
Is Teshuva Essential to bring Mashiach 09-08-13 Moshiach 47 min
Micah (06) Chapter 5 - Rome vs. Persia - Mashiach and 14 others 12-04-19 Moshiach 51 min
Nahum (02) Chapter 2 - A Glimpse into Redemption - Seeds of Galus 01-15-20 Moshiach 55 min
Habakkuk (01) Chapter 1 - Destruction from Within 01-29-20 Philosophy 51 min
Pre-Shavous 5769 Calculating the Date of the Holiday Da Ma Shetashiv 60 min
Chinuch 01 - Love, Respect and Discipline 11-07-18 Parenting 47 min
Chinuch 02 - Discipline 11-14-18 Parenting 43 min
Chinuch 03 - Reasonable Expectations 11-19-18 Parenting 46 min
Chinuch of Teenagers 01 - Autonomy 01-09-19 Parenting 43 min
Chinuch of Teenagers 02 - Red Lines - Social Development 01-16-19 Parenting 43 min