Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Shmuel (37) 11-27-13 Chapter 20 Dovid confronts Yehonoson - Their plan to decide what to do Sefer Shmuel Alef 53 min
Shmuel (38) 12-11-13 Chapter 20 The Secret of the Arrows - Rosh Chodesh and King David Sefer Shmuel Alef 40 min
Shmuel (39) 12-18-13 Chapter 21 Womens Initiation in Malchus - Introduction of Questions Sefer Shmuel Alef 49 min
Shmuel (40) 01-08-14 Chapter 21 Why Nove - Lechem Hapanim - Sword of Golyas - Doeg Sefer Shmuel Alef 53 min
Shmuel (41) 01-15-14 Chapter 22 Doegs Test - Killing of Nove Sefer Shmuel Alef 54 min
Shmuel (42) 01-22-14 Chapter 23 Dovid asks the Urim vitumim - Saving Keiyla Sefer Shmuel Alef 45 min
Shmuel (43) 02-05-14 Chapter 23 and 24 Sefer Shmuel Alef 41 min
Shmuel (44) 02-19-14 Chapter 24 Dovid Confronts Shaul - Shauls Realization Sefer Shmuel Alef 42 min
Shmuel (45) 02-26-14 Chapter 25 Shmuels Death - Sheep Shearing - Naval Sefer Shmuel Alef 55 min
Shmuel (46) 03-05-14 Chapter 25 Avigayil saves Dovid Sefer Shmuel Alef 52 min
Shmuel (47) 03-12-14 Chapter 25 Three lines from Chetzron - Avigayil Achinoam and Michal Sefer Shmuel Alef 40 min
Shmuel (48) 03-19-14 Chapter 26 Taking Shauls Sword and Flask Sefer Shmuel Alef 51 min
Shmuel (49) 03-26-14 Chapter 27 Going back to Achash Sefer Shmuel Alef 43 min
Shmuel (50) 04-30-14 Chapter 28 Shaul and the Baalas Ov Sefer Shmuel Alef 54 min
Shmuel (51) 05-07-14 Chapter 29 Dovid tested again -Tziklag and Amalek Sefer Shmuel Alef 55 min
Shmuel (52) 05-14-14 Chapter 31 Shauls death Sefer Shmuel Alef 41 min
Shmuel Bais (01) Chapter 01 Ger Amalaki Sefer Shmuel Beis 56 min
Shmuel Bais (02) Chapter 01 Dovids lamentation of Shaul and Yehonason Sefer Shmuel Beis 42 min
Shmuel Bais (03) Chapter 02 Ish Boshes - Avner and Yoav - killing of Asael Sefer Shmuel Beis 51 min
Shmuel Bais (04) Chapter 03 Dovids sons - Avner changes sides - Paltiel ben Layish Sefer Shmuel Beis 54 min
Shmuel Bais (05) Chapter 3 Yoav kills Avner Sefer Shmuel Beis 51 min
Shmuel Bais (06) Chapter 4 Killing of Ish Boshes Sefer Shmuel Beis 51 min
Shmuel Bais (07) Chapter 5 The Blind and the Lame Dovids Kingdom becomes solid Sefer Shmuel Beis 54 min
Shmuel Bais (08) Chapter 6 Moving the Aron - Michals Mistake Sefer Shmuel Beis 59 min
Shmuel Bais (09) Chapter 7 Dovid wants to build the Bais Hamikdash Sefer Shmuel Beis 54 min