Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Shmuel Bais (10) Chapter 7 Dovid thanks Hashem Sefer Shmuel Beis 51 min
Shmuel Bais (11) Chapter 8 Dovid conquers all surrounding nations Sefer Shmuel Beis 57 min
Shmuel Bais (12) Chapter 9 Mefivoshes and Tziva Sefer Shmuel Beis 57 min
Shmuel Bais (13) Chapter 10 Amon and Dovid's chessed; introduction to Dovid and Bat Sheva Sefer Shmuel Beis 56 min
Shmuel Bais (14) Chapter 11 Dovid and Bat Sheva part 1 Sefer Shmuel Beis 60 min
Shmuel Bais (15) Chapter 11 Dovid and Bat Sheva part 2 Sefer Shmuel Beis 52 min
Shmuel Bais (16) Chapter 11 Dovid and Bat Sheva part 3 Sefer Shmuel Beis 59 min
Shmuel Bais (17) Chapter 12 Nossons mashal to Dovid Sefer Shmuel Beis 58 min
Shmuel Bais (18) Chapter 12 Dovids Teshuva (Repentance) Sefer Shmuel Beis 53 min
Shmuel Bais (19) Chapter 13 Tamar and Amnon part 1 Sefer Shmuel Beis 61 min
Shmuel Bais (20) Chapter 13 Tamar and Amnon part 2 Sefer Shmuel Beis 58 min
Shmuel Bais (21) Chapter 13 Avshalom Kills Amnon Sefer Shmuel Beis 53 min
Shmuel Bais (22) Chapter 14 Yoav and the Chachama from Tekoa Sefer Shmuel Beis 61 min
Shmuel Bais (23) Chapter 14 Yoavs greatness - Avshalom in Yerushalayim Sefer Shmuel Beis 55 min
Shmuel Bais (24) 03-25-15 Chapter 15 Avshaloms rebellion Introduction - children punished for fathers sins Sefer Shmuel Beis 62 min
Shmuel Bais (25) Chapter 15 Avshaloms Rebellion - Setting the Stage - Taking Control - Dovids Escape Sefer Shmuel Beis 60 min
Shmuel Bais (26) Chapter 15 Avshaloms Rebellion - Evyasar and Tzadok- Dovid and Chushay HaArki Sefer Shmuel Beis 56 min
Shmuel Bais (27) Chapter 16 Avshaloms rebellion - Chushay Ha-arki - Shimi Ben Gayra Sefer Shmuel Beis 60 min
Shmuel Bais (28) Chapters 16-17 Avshaloms rebellion - Achitofels advice Sefer Shmuel Beis 53 min
Shmuel Bais (29) Chapter 17 Avshaloms rebellion - Achitofels death Sefer Shmuel Beis 60 min
Shmuel Bais (30) Chapter 17 Avshaloms Rebellion - Amasa ben Yesser Sefer Shmuel Beis 61 min
Shmuel Bais (31) Chapter 18 Avshaloms Rebellion - The Forest of Efrayim - Yoav kills Avshalom Sefer Shmuel Beis 57 min
Shmuel Bais (32) Chapter 18 Avshaloms Rebellion - Informing Dovid - His Reaction Sefer Shmuel Beis 58 min
Shmuel Bais (33) Chapter 19 Avshaloms Rebellion - Dovids return - Shimi ben Gairas Apology - Mifiboshes excuse Sefer Shmuel Beis 60 min
Shmuel Bais (34) Chapter 19 Avshaloms Rebellion - Yehuda vs. Yisroel - Yoav vs. Amasa Sefer Shmuel Beis 54 min