Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Melochim Aleph (38) Chapter 18 Why Eliyahu - Ovadya 01-25-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 60 min
Melochim Aleph (39) Chapter 18 No lashon hara going to Har HaCarmel 02-01-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 54 min
Melochim Aleph (40) Chapter 18 Har HaCarmel - Har Tavor - Har Sinai 02-15-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 54 min
Melochim Aleph (41) Chapter 18 Karban on a bama Yaakov and Yisroel 02-22-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 52 min
Melochim Aleph (42) Chapter 19 Eliyahu on Har Sinai 03-01-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 56 min
Melochim Aleph (43) Chapter 20 The wars with Ben Hadad 03-08-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 55 min
Melochim Aleph (44) Chapter 20 Achavs Chance to Improve 03-15-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 49 min
Melochim Aleph (45) Chapter 21 Navos 03-29-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 56 min
Melochim Aleph (46) Chapter 22 Yehoshafat and Achav Sefer Melachim Alef 57 min
Melochim Aleph (47) Chapter 22 Death of Achav 05-03-17 Sefer Melachim Alef 44 min
Melochim Aleph (48) Chapter 22 - Family tree of malchus Yehuda and malchus Yisroel Sefer Melachim Alef 52 min
Yeshayahu (01) Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - One of The Three Famous Words of Eichah - 10 Steps of Teshuva - Complementing Parshas Haazinu 07-27-22 Sefer Isaiah 57 min
Yeshayahu (02) Chapter 2 - Origin of a formal school system - Carrying Weapons on Shabbos - The Ultimate Day of Judgement 08-31-22 Sefer Isaiah 56 min
Yeshayahu (03) Chapters 3-4 - Lack of Torah scholarship before the churban - promiscuity of the Jewish girls - seven chupos in the future 10-26-22 Sefer Isaiah 53 min
Yeshayahu (04) Chapter 5 - Shiras HaKerem; why is it a shira 11-02-22 Sefer Isaiah 58 min
Yeshayahu (05) Chapter 5 - The yetzer hara as a thin string and a thick rope - Hashem's hand stretched over us 11-09-22 Sefer Isaiah 45 min
Yeshayahu (06) Chapter 6 - Introduction - Hashem's Chariot - Amos - Yeshayahu and Yechezkel - Korach and Uziyahu 11-16-22 Sefer Isaiah 63 min
Yeshayahu (07) Chapter 6 -Seeing Hashem - The Wings of the Angels - The Faces of the Angels - Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh 11-23-22 Sefer Isaiah 58 min
Yeshayahu (08) Chapter 6 -Yeshayahu's Greatness and his Mistake - Michoel, Gavriel and the Malach Hamaves - Yeshayahu's Mission 11-30-22 Sefer Isaiah 57 min
Yeshayahu (09) Chapter 7 -Alon and Eilah trees - Yeshayahu's reassurance to Achaz - Prediction of Sancherev's Exile of the 10 tribes 12-07-22 Sefer Isaiah 58 min
Yeshayahu (10) Chapter 9 - Destruction of Sancherev's army - Punishment of the 10 Tribes - Foul Speech 01-25-23 Sefer Isaiah 53 min
Yeshayahu (11) Chapter 10 - Sancherev's travel to Yerushalayim - Erev Pesach 02-01-23 Sefer Isaiah 53 min
Yeshayahu (12) Chapters 11 - 12 - Mashiach 02-08-23 Sefer Isaiah 52 min
Yeshayahu (13) Chapters 13 - Destruction of Bavel 02-15-23 Sefer Isaiah 47 min
Yeshayahu (14) Chapters 14 - Nevuchadnetzar's Demise 02-22-23 Sefer Isaiah 46 min