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Speaker Filter Box:
Zrizus; It's True Meaning and Kabbalas Hatorah (1 Sivan 5779) Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold 34 min
Chol Hamoed Succos 5773 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 18 min
Haftarah, Parshas Hachodesh, Shiur 1 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 22 min
Haftarah, Parshas Hachodesh, Shiur 2 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 22 min
Haftarah, Parshas Parah, Shiur 1 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 22 min
Haftarah, Parshas Parah, Shiur 2 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 18 min
Haftarah, Parshas Parah, Shiur 3 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 19 min
Haftarah, Parshas Zachor, Shiur 1 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 19 min
Haftarah, Parshas Zachor, Shiur 2 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 20 min
Haftarah, Shabbos Chanukah, Shiur 1 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 17 min
Haftarah, Shabbos Chanukah, Shiur 2 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 20 min
Rabbi Reisman- Rosh Hashona, Malchos and Kabblos Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 43 min
Rosh Hashanah 5772 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 15 min
Succos 5772 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman 17 min
0084- Shabbos 21- The Chanukah Menorah- The Basics Rabbi Mordechai Rhine 11 min
0085- Shabbos 22- Chanukah- The Purpose of the Shamash Rabbi Mordechai Rhine 11 min
A Rasha connecting with the 13 Attributes of Mercy Rabbi Gershon Ribner 3 min
A sharp lesson one may take from a despicable story of Mesira Rabbi Gershon Ribner 5 min
A way to escape a difficult verdict Rabbi Gershon Ribner 4 min
Activating the 13 Attributes of Mercy Rabbi Gershon Ribner 8 min
Circumstances that disarm Amalek from cooling off the hot bath Rabbi Gershon Ribner 8 min
Circumstances that disarm Amalek from cooling off the hot bath Rabbi Gershon Ribner 8 min
Cosmic effect of Purim: Ensuring the existence of Yisrael among the nations Rabbi Gershon Ribner 27 min
Cosmic effect of Purim: Ensuring the existence of Yisrael among the nations Rabbi Gershon Ribner 27 min
Depicting The Incredible Quality Of Life Of Even One Day In The Messianic Era Rabbi Gershon Ribner 18 min