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י״ד אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 14, ‘25
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Mishnah Berurah Yomi
Mishnah Torah Yomi
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Masechta Bava Kama
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1502BabaKama104- Paying the Authorized Agent
Length: 11 min
Take 10 For Talmud - Masechta Bava Kama
1400BabaKama- Introduction to Damages
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1401BabaKama- Anger, Acts of Aggression Aren't Normal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1402BabaKama4- What are the four categories of damage in our Mishna
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1403BabaKama5- Interpersonal types of damage, The Big List
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1404BabaKama6- The Pit, that blew, or rolled
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1405BabaKama7- Paying From the Best, of the field
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1406BabaKama8- It was the medium field at the time of the loan
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1407BabaKama9- Hiddur Mitzvah, up to a third
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1408BabaKama10- Restitution, and Who Gets the Carcass
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1409BabaKama11- Mistaken Judgment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1410BabaKama12- Kinyan on one field gets all 10, if he paid
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1411BabaKama13- When an animal Korban does damage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1412BabaKama14- Damaged Each Other, not an even wash
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1413BabaKama15- The half payment of Keren, unusual damage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1414BabaKama16- Yirmiya's Prayer, Don't shoot the messenger
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1415BabaKama17- The Half Damage of Tzroros, Pebbles
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1416BabaKama18- Is Half Damage of Tzroros Like Keren
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1417BabaKama19- When is unusual eating still normal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1418BabaKama20- Rebbe and Talmid, How do we Pasken
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1419BabaKama21- A Good Squatter Question, Become My Student
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1420BabaKama22- An Animal's Fire as a Case of Tzroros
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1421BabaKama23- Tam, Muod, and back to Tam- Saying Mashiv Haruach 100 times in one day
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1422BabaKama24- An animal made wild, The illegally parked car
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1423BabaKama25- The Kal Vachomer for how much Keren should pay
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1424BabaKama26- A Person is (almost) Always Liable
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1425BabaKama27- Tripping On and Breaking the Jug
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1426BabaKama28- Taking the Law into Your Own Hands
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1427BabaKama29- Cases of a Pit, Does he have to own it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1428BabaKama30- How much do we fine him, obstacle in public area, and Ribis Case
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1429BabaKama31- Let's Not Meet by Accident
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1430BabaKama32- Rushing for Shabbos
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1431BabaKama33- If an Animal, a Tam, Were to Damage a Person
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1432BabaKama34- Can an Ox Make Beer
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1433BabaKama35- Bring a Proof, If You Want to Collect
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1434BabaKama36- The Bad One Got His Money_s Worth
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1435BabaKama37- Only Muod Pattern Following an Event or Interval
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1436BabaKama38- Comforting a Mourner- Difference between Volunteerism and a Mitzvah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1437BabaKama39- When the animal of a child does damage
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1438BabaKama40- The Circus Wild Animal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1439BabaKama41- The Case of Kofer Redemption Money
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1440BabaKama42- There is no half Kofer redemption
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1441BabaKama43- A child damaged is the same as an adult
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1442BabaKama44- Animal Excused, but owner pays Kofer Redemption
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1443BabaKama45- After the ruling, can the animal be used as payment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1444BabaKama46- The Pregnant Animal on Attack
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1445BabaKama47- An Animal_s Portion Control, and Targeted Poison
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1446BabaKama48- Tzniyus on a Woman_s Arms
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1447BabaKama49- Bor, Pit, in the public area and in private- I_m not sure I want your donation
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1448BabaKama50- Do Gooder for the Public Good
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1449BabaKama51- The Obstacle Owned by Partners
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1450BabaKama52- The Pit Cover that Rotted Out
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1451BabaKama53- Joint Responsibility_ Paying What_s Left
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1452BabaKama54- The Torah_s Case is Just an Example
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1453BabaKama55- GOOD by the second Luchos, is missing by the first- The Letter Tes
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1454BabaKama56- Hiring False Witnesses_ Withholding Testimony
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1455BabaKama57- Guarding an Object, What is My Level of Liability
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1456BabaKama58- How much was that item worth
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1457BabaKama59- Grama by Damages, and the Shabbos Switch
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1458BabaKama60- Rav Yitzchak_s Shabbos Hagadol Type Drasha About Rebuilding Yerushalayim With Fire-
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1459BabaKama61- The Exclusion of Tomun, Hidden Items Consumed by Fire
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1460BabaKama62- Please take these imitation earrings to my cousin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1461BabaKama63- Double payments by a Shomer, Guardian
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1462BabaKama64- Modeh B_Kinas is Potur, Admitting absolves of the fine
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1463BabaKama65- Returning Stolen Property, if the value changed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1464BabaKama66- Yiush and Shinuy for the thief to keep the item, and pay back money
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1465BabaKama67- The Rule of the Stolen Brick, Usually a Reversible Change Isn_t Enough
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1466BabaKama68- Payment of 4 or 5 is Only by a Sheep or Ox
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1467BabaKama69- Protecting Those Who Are Acting Legitimately
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1468BabaKama70-- Is That Half Testimony Or Full- stole and sold, years of living on field, married then relations, one hair
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1469BabaKama71- Hires Someone Else to Shecht, does he still pay the 4 or 5
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1470BabaKama72- Testimony for payments of 4 or 5, contradicted
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1471BabaKama73- Eid Zomeim is Retroactive
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1472BabaKama74- Admits, and then Eidim come
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1473BabaKama75- If Eidim come after admitted, The story of Rabban Gamliel and his Eved
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1474BabaKama76- Is being Makdish like selling it
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1475BabaKama77- Could have done it, Mixed, Sprinkled, Redeemed
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1476BabaKama78- The Limited Sale, regarding payments of 4 or 5
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1477BabaKama79- Why Double, and 4 or 5- Hiding the Sin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1478BabaKama80- Violating his colleagues_ legislation in a case of illness
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1479BabaKama81- Obtaining a Cutting, Would the Talmud approve a patent on seeds
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1480BabaKama82- Takanos of Ezra, The deficient Torah reading of Purim
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1481BabaKama83- The 5 Personal Injury Payments- Identifying levels and stages of loss
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1482BabaKama84- Financial Payment for Damage, Not Revenge- Damage payments to a Child
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1483BabaKama85- The Doctor_s Mission to Heal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1484BabaKama86- Oops, the water was meant to fall on someone else
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1485BabaKama87- Damage Done by a Child
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1486BabaKama88- Who Owns Land_ Who Owns Produce- Can She Sell
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1487BabaKama89- The obligation of Kesuba in our time, and what happens if it is lost
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1488BabaKama90- Boshes Payments, and the story with Rabbi Akiva
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1489BabaKama91- Baal Tashchis, when there is a purpose
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1490BabaKama92- Besides Payment, Asking Forgiveness- The Power of Breakfast
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1491BabaKama93- Doing Teshuva on Theft
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1492BabaKama94- Ethical Observation or Halachic Directive
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1493BabaKama95- Three Views on the Increased Value that Follows Theft
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1494BabaKama96- Ponim Chadashos by Theft, Is this Change Restorable
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1495BabaKama97- The Coin that Became Invalid- Can the Thief Just Return It
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1496BabaKama98- The Coin is Right There, On the Bottom of the Lake
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1497BabaKama99- All a Matter of Perspective- The Meat is no good, but the Shochet is not liable
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1498BabaKama100- Rabbi Chiya Endorsed the Coin- To go to visit the sick
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1499BabaKama101- The Craftsman that did not Follow the Order
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1500BabaKama102- Your Own Pair of Teffilin
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1501BabaKama103- Returning What was Stolen
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1502BabaKama104- Paying the Authorized Agent
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1503BabaKama105- Less than a Pirutah Left, Must He Still Travel
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1504BabaKama106- How Absolved Does the Oath make Him
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1505BabaKama107- Audacity to Lie, Loan and Divorce
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1506BabaKama108- The Case of Principal, Fifth More, and a Korban
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1507BabaKama109- Gezel HaGer, men and women are equal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1508BabaKama110- Gezel HaGer, The payment is partial atonement
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1509BabaKama111- Considering conditional marriages to save an Agunah
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1510BabaKama112- Hearing a Case Only When Both Parties Are Present
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1511BabaKama113- Taxation, and The Law of the Land
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1512BabaKama114- Ownership on a Swarm of Bees
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1513BabaKama115- Purchasing Stolen Goods
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1514BabaKama116- Unforetold Blessing, and I Really Tried
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1515BabaKama117- Rav Kahana- Dangerous Dynamics in Torah Debate
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1516BabaKama118- Repaying the money you might owe
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1517BabaKama119- Severity of Theft
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1400BabaKama- Introduction to Damages
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1401BabaKama- Anger, Acts of Aggression Aren't Normal
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1402BabaKama4- What are the four categories of damage in our Mishna
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1403BabaKama5- Interpersonal types of damage, The Big List
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1404BabaKama6- The Pit, that blew, or rolled
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1405BabaKama7- Paying From the Best, of the field
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1406BabaKama8- It was the medium field at the time of the loan
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1407BabaKama9- Hiddur Mitzvah, up to a third
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1408BabaKama10- Restitution, and Who Gets the Carcass
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
1409BabaKama11- Mistaken Judgment
- Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Bava Kama 002a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 002b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 003a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 003b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 004a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 004b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 005a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 005b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 006a
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman
Bava Kama 006b
- Rabbi Dovid Grossman