
Speaker Filter Box:
117 Achrei Kedoshim Rabbi Yosef Elefant 17 min
117 Achrei Kedoshim Rabbi Yosef Elefant 17 min
118 Emor pre shavuos Rabbi Yosef Elefant 22 min
119 Emor kli for tora, plumbers and diamonds Rabbi Yosef Elefant 18 min
120 Bechukosai Rabbi Yosef Elefant 27 min
121 Bamidbar sefira, consistency, R Akiva Rabbi Yosef Elefant 17 min
122 Naso using specialness,kochos Rabbi Yosef Elefant 13 min
123 Shelach tzitzis uzchartem, lo sasuru, having an internal world Rabbi Yosef Elefant 16 min
124 Korach mesorah, the lifeline of klal yisroel Rabbi Yosef Elefant 17 min
125 Balak are we talmidim of avraham or bila'am Rabbi Yosef Elefant 20 min
126 Va'eschanan torah is above gashmiyus Rabbi Yosef Elefant 9 min
127 Ki Setzei Rabbi Yosef Elefant 26 min
128 Ki Setzei, hurricane in new orleans, avoda for 9 days Rabbi Yosef Elefant 21 min
129 Ki Savo Rabbi Yosef Elefant 25 min
130 Nitzovim Rosh Hashona Rabbi Yosef Elefant 18 min
131 Netzavim Rabbi Yosef Elefant 24 min
132 vayeilech Yom Kippur Rabbi Yosef Elefant 16 min
134 Lech Lecha 5767 The Maala of an Av Rabbi Yosef Elefant 23 min
135 Vayera 5767 Amidah B'nisayon Rabbi Yosef Elefant 27 min
136 Chaya Sara 5767 Emunah is V'ohavta Lerayacha Komocha Rabbi Yosef Elefant 22 min
137 Toldos 5767 The Yesod Of Eisav is Wasting Time Rabbi Yosef Elefant 17 min
138 Vayishlach 5767 Yakov Avinu Had Clarity,The Yetzer Hora Makes Rabbi Yosef Elefant 23 min
139 Vayeishev Chanukah 5767 Mesirus Nefesh Rabbi Yosef Elefant 20 min
140 Vayigash 5767 Learning Beritzifus,Liggen in Learn Rabbi Yosef Elefant 15 min
141 Vayechi 5767 Hakdama to Shovivim,Tikun Hayesod Rabbi Yosef Elefant 23 min