
Speaker Filter Box:
Matos-Ma'asei 1983 - Untitled Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 77 min
Mishpatim - "And these are the laws (of justice between man and his fellow man) that you shall place before them." How important is it to study these laws? Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 82 min
Mishpatim - "And these are the laws...." The essence of Jewish civil law Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 73 min
Mishpatim - "In the path of generosity I shall walk - between the paths of justice." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 60 min
Mishpatim - "These are the judgements you shall place before them" - like a prepared and set table for all to eat from. Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 76 min
Mishpatim - "When you lend money to my nation..." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 66 min
Mishpatim - "You shall not listen to loshen harah." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 79 min
Mishpatim - And to Moshe He said, go up to Hashem Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 69 min
Mishpatim - Law and justice - one of the three pillars the world stands upon Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 75 min
Mishpatim - Mishpatim - Mitzvahs with rational explanations: "Were we not commanded in these, we would have decreed them for ourselves." Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 79 min
Mishpatim - Responsibility and accountability Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 84 min
Mishpatim - Slavery Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 76 min
Mishpatim - Slavery Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 56 min
Mishpatim - The depth of Torah law - and the upright and the wicked Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 66 min
Mishpatim - The distinction between the so-called "religious" law and "civil" law. Fact or myth. Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 72 min
Mishpatim - The Ear - The power of hearing Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 76 min
Mishpatim - The first question one is asked in the next world is: "Did you conduct your business affairs with integrity?" Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 71 min
Mishpatim - The Ger Tzedek - the righteous convert Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 65 min
Mishpatim - The mitzvah to lend money to your fellow Jew Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 77 min
Mishpatim - The mitzvahs between man and his fellow man Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 64 min
Mishpatim - The Torah's forceful and hard-line attitude towards he who afflicts the stranger, orphan, or widow. (more elaborate than PH89) Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 61 min
Mishpatim - To be compassionate to the downtrodden, the ger (convert), the orphan, and the widow Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 76 min
Mishpatim - Why do we find the judgments both proceeding and following the giving of the Torah Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 50 min
Mishpatim 1981 - Untitled (VPQ very poor audio quality) Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 59 min
Mishpatim 1982 - Untitled Rabbi Azriel Chaim Goldfein 66 min