
Speaker Filter Box:
2123Zevachim43- More cases that Pigul does not apply
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2124Zevachim44- Pigul in the same place- Why do we study Kodashim nowadays if we do not have a Beis Hamikdash
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
13 min
2125Zevachim45- Non-Jew_s Korban, Outside the Beis Hamikdash
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2126Zevachim46- Will the owner_s thoughts impact the Korban
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
6 min
2127Zevachim47- Eizehu Mikoman, The first Mishna of this universal chapter
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2128Zevachim48- Place to Shecht the Sheep Olah, the Bull Olah, and the Chatas- Chatas with some Olah Perspective
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2129Zevachim49- Although the Oshom of the Metzora is unique, it still needs North like the Olah and Chatas
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2130Zevachim50- Can you derive a law from that which was derived- Comparison, Word Similarity, Kal V_Chomer, Precedent
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2131Zevachim51- Not to skip over a Mitzvah, when there is one Mitzvah or when there are two
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
12 min
2132Zevachim52- The Chatas Blood Application
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2133Zevachim53- The Olah Blood Application- Southeast did not have the Yesod Protrusion
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
7 min
2134Zevachim54- The Oshom Blood Application- Shifcha Charufa
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
9 min
2135Zevachim55- Todah and Shilamim, place and time to eat them
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
7 min
2136Zevachim56- Bichor, Maaser, Pesach- Three ways to answer a question- Style, Halacha, Lomdus
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2137Zevachim57- Until when can the Korban Pesach be eaten, Why is there no safeguard for day mitzvos, Noon
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2138Zevachim58- Can he Shecht on top of the Mizbeiach
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
12 min
2139Zevachim59- The Mizbeiach has to be intact at the time of Shechita
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2140Zevachim60- The Blemished Mizbeiach
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2141Zevachim61- The Mizbeichos and their fires
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
6 min
2142Zevachim62- Talk of Torah, and part of the successful journey to understanding
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2143Zevachim63- Mincha and Bird Chatas- The Southwest Corner of the Mizbeiach was a busy place, especially when the Southeast Corner was busy
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2144Zevachim64- The Bird Chatas, don_t detach the head
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
9 min
2145Zevachim65- The Bird Olah- Head, digestive tract, body- Role of crop and gizzard
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2146Zevachim66- Differences between the Chatas Bird and the Olah Bird
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
7 min
2147Zevachim67- The bird Olah that was processsed as a bird Chatas, Does it have Mieila laws
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min